Research Funding Opportunities
- Victoria University Travel and Conference-Organization Grants Guidelines
- Victoria University Travel and Conference-Organization Grants Application
- Victoria College Research Grant Guidelines
- Emmanuel College Faculty Academic Initiative Application
- Emmanuel College Faculty Academic Initiative Funding Guidelines
- Pivot searchable database (use U of T as login institution)
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) funding
- Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS) Scholarly Book Awards
(support for Open Access or translations) - Wabash Grants for teaching in Religion/Theology
- Louisville Institute Grants for Religious/Theological study

Budget Resources
Victoria University Policies and Guidelines
Student Hiring
- Approximate hiring range $20-$26/hour
- Approved on a case-by-case basis by HR
- Please contact vic.hr@utoronto.ca for more information

Proposal Resources
- Victoria University Grant Lifecycles
- Victoria University Institutional Research Data Management Strategy
- U of T Research Ethics Board
- Creating a Data Management Plan (SSHRC)
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Considerations (SSHRC)
- SSHRC webinars
Please contact lindy.chan@utoronto.ca for sample award applications (limited selection)

Key Contacts
Please contact the following colleagues for support with:
- Developing proposals and submitting grants: callie.callon@utoronto.ca
- Institutional endorsement (all external funding proposal must be received at least 14 days ahead of the competition deadline): lindy.chan@utoronto.ca
- External Notice of Awards: lindy.chan@utoronto.ca
- Managing research funding: hannah.muigai@utoronto.ca